Altura Preparatory School is located at 8650 Alameda Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87122.
Altura Preparatory School offers transportation from Southeast Albuquerque and Midtown.
San Pedro Public Library Stop
Pick Up (M-F): 7:10 am
Drop off (M, T, W, Th): 3:50 pm
Drop Off (F): 1:10 pm
Tony Hillerman Public Library Stop
Pick Up (M-F): 7:20 am
Drop off (M, T, W, Th): 3:40 pm
Drop off (F): 1:00 pm
Southwest Childcare Center Stop (PM ONLY)
Drop Off (M, T, W, Th): 3:30 pm
Drop Off (F) 12:45 pm
The above times are variable and depend on traffic. Altura Prep recommends that caregivers arrive 5-10 minutes prior to the scheduled arrival at your child's designated stop. (If a child is not picked up, there is a risk that they may not be allowed to ride the bus in the future.)